It’s more than just a number
More than 10,000,000 metric tons of animal feed produced
Our story How we managed to surpass this milestonePowering Progress
This year we will pass the milestone of 10 million tons of animal feed produced in one year. But that’s more than just a number. It’s a result of all our efforts over the previous decades.
We have been contributing to livestock and aquaculture farming around the world for years, seeking and finding answers to the food challenges we meet, alongside our customers.
We strive actively to raise food safety and availability, animal welfare and local prosperity to a higher level day by day. We call this ‘powering progress’.

How our growth has resulted in us surpassing this milestone
We are inspired by our customers
We are proud that we can make a difference right alongside them. And we are inspired by their success stories, which has led to progress. Worldwide. That’s why we want to thank our customers for their trust in us!
Progress is achieved by employees
Working in one of our production locations, driving a truck to deliver our animal feed, visiting our customers to advise on how to improve the results of their farm or supporting our business units from our offices. It is all our employees who take those extra steps to give the farmers the best possible service. We make the difference alongside our customers, and that has led to our growth. Growth that has resulted in this year’s unique milestone. We thank all our employees for their continued energy and support.