Management Traineeship De Heus
Frequently asked questions
Get your questions answered
The questions below have been selected from those most commonly asked by our candidates and current management trainees.
Management Traineeship De Heus
Frequently asked questions
The recruitment procedure starts as soon as you apply.
Step 1: Application
Step 2: Introductory interview/exploratory interview
Step 3: Assessment
Step 4: English language test
Step 5: Assignment and assignment presentation
Step 6: Employment interview/offer
Step 7: Start of your traineeship
Within two days you will receive a confirmation of your application. Within 6 weeks we will let you know if you are going to be invited for an introductory/exploratory interview.
Yes! A traineeship can start in every month of the year.
After a positive interview you will be invited for an assessment. An assessment is a psychological examination in which psychological tools such as tests, questionnaires and interviews are used to find out whether you are suitable for a traineeship at De Heus. Next to that your intellectual capabilities will be examined as well.
No. A traineeship could also be offered to people who have already some years of working experience.
We would like to know your preferences with regards to the countries you would like to go, but we need to find out together which country is the most suitable at that moment. De Heus is present in over 20 countries in Asia, Africa, Middle East and Europe.
Yes. At first you will receive an employment contract for one year.
- A collective labour agreement applies
- A minimum yearly salary of EUR 50.000,- gross.
Other benefits are:
- Flexible working hours / working in our modern offices and remote working is possible
- 25 holiday days (National holidays not included)
- Pension plan
- Collective health insurance plan and disability insurance
- Multiple allowances for travelling and expenses
- Multiple training and development courses paid by De Heus
A guaranteed job will be offered to you depending on the development progress you have made during your traineeship and depending on your performance level.