
Shrimp are a very important aquaculture species with a very distictive feeding behaviour leading to very specific requirements to thrive. Shrimp feed slowly from the pond bottom which means the feed pellets need to sink and have to remain stable for a longer period of time. All of this without loosing nutrients to leaching.

Maarten-Jay van Schoonhoven
Maarten-Jay van Schoonhoven

Attracting your shrimp towards our nutritious feeds

Our feeds are designed to be fully consumed by the shrimp through the incorporation of attractants that lure the shrimp to the feed. To designing the best shrimp feeds we combine the nutritional requirements, the physical requirements plus the fact the pellets must also attract the shrimp without affecting water quality. We know our shrimp feeds best optimize growth performance through the local involvement from shrimp farmers which allow us to continuously development our feed assortment in our R&D facilities.


We have the answers to your questions

Bioavailability of nutrients in your feed is the most important characteristic to ensure good growth. Proximate analysis gives an indication of the feed composition but ultimately the availability of nutrients will determine the growth rates.

Maintaining a healthy environment for the shrimp is essential for controlling stress. A balanced microbial and microalgae population will ensure good water and pond bottom quality. This can be achieved by monitoring different parameters, but also by providing good quality feeds and a good feeding strategy.

A robust shrimp will grow better and be less susceptible to potential diseases. Key in ensuring robustness is providing good quality feeds with high availability of balanced nutrients.

Shrimp are slow eaters. They first have to find the feed through chemosensitive receptors, which means the feed has to slowly release attractants. Then, enough nutrients have to remain in the feed for the shrimp to feed without being lost through excessive leaking. Therefore the pellet has to remain stable in the water for a relatively long time.